On January 19, 2007, in Toronto Star, the author Isabel Teotorio through the article “Court makes man pay for life-saving surgery” indicated that the court “supports OHIP’s refusal to cover" the oversea treatment fee of Adolfo Flora, who has liver cancer since 1999. The author quoted the argument from Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) that Flora did not being reimbursed, for the experts in two top transplant centers in Ontario declared he “was not a suitable candidate for liver transplant, which accepted a liver from a deceased donor, and his chances of survival were slim.” The author reported that Flora sought many hospitals in order to alive, such as Cramwell Hospital in London, England. According to author’s explanation the physicians of this hospital “told him he can received a transplant from a living honor and diagnosed that he had a better chance, which was higher than 50 per cent , of survival. However, the author revealed another two reasons, which made Flora refused, were “one of the procedures the British team perform was available in Ontario and it was not part of the insured services”. Finally, the author stated that, though Flora fails to reimburse from PHIP, he still seek reimbursement after he return to Canada.
Commenter: Denis Christofer Sulaiman
According from what I discussed with Penny and Yvonna, I think Penny did a good job of what she did in her summary. The most important thing from her summary is that she always referring all the sentences from what the author said and some people who told the author. As 3 of us knew (i guess:>), I think we do have the same problem which is telling the summary more fluently and clear. Yes Penny did a good job so far, just learn more about story telling (more clearly and more fluently)
7:23 PM
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