Casino Royale

James Bond, the first "007" duty, is moritoring the terrosist in Madagasca. After tracing clue in Bahamas, another mystical person has draw his attention. This mystical person is one of the world terrorist sponsors, also has a very complicated relation with various organization. But, due to the business which he do is legitimate in the surface, therefore, the agent organazation didnt know how to deal with this case. however, recently, the mystical person lend a great amount of money, so he decide arrange a glambling in France's Royal Casino and win the money ina limitted time.
In order to let the mystical person who eager for victory lose everything, thus, annihilates all the terriorists. As a first gambling master, James Bond is dispatched to go to the Casino. At the begining, Mrs.M who incompletely trust James Bond, arrang an attractive female agent, who works in English Minstry of Finance to supervise and manage the fund. Even though, it make Bond incontent. But after two people experience the fatal attact many times. They are gruadually attracted by each other. Bond even willing to retires. Nevertheless, the fatal dager continute coming, all these only is the begining of Bond's life.